When you decide to learn something new and take the first steps towards acquiring that knowledge, you are already closer to success than most who have yet to make the same decision or are unaware they should. However, the journey to the unknown is usually full of challenges. As a result, some people give up before this journey becomes an adventure and lose the joy that discovering something new brings.
So the paradox presents itself: "I just wanna have fun, but first I must learn, which is not so much fun".
- the music; where we get familiar with the physical instruments and their roles in the music by trying to play them
- the relationship between movement and music; where we try to move with the tunes without the boundaries of rules
- the partner work; to learn to work with others and acquire the ability to "listen" and include others in our movement
- the rules of the dance, which gives us the standards that identify our movement with a genre
Dancing for the last ten years, I have seen many people come and go. Yes, some were more enthusiastic, dedicated or talented than others, but one thing they all had in common: they all had taken that first step with which all voyage begins. Of course, as I said, this is only halfway to success, while the other half is affected by many things; some people get put off by others, and some by losing faith in themselves, but undeniably, the teachers are the most significant factor in deciding the fate of a new dancer.
Everyone has at least one goal with dancing: to enjoy. But on the other hand, genuinely having fun means the dancer can get lost in the music and express themselves without thinking much about the moves, the counts and the rules. To do this, moving spontanely on the rhythm must become natural to the brain and body. However, this does not happen overnight, nor it happens automatically.
Two types of people emerge from this dilemma: one that will carry on having fun without learning much, who never experiences the true joy of moving in harmony with the music, and the other, who will "suffer" through the initial stage of learning the "hard" things until they suddenly understand the true meaning behind the concept of dancing.
Sadly, too many teachers focus on the former group because teaching turn patterns will keep up the interest and the money flowing. They choose to do so because ironing out the details and helping people become genuine dancers would take much more effort, and it could also seem less rewarding to the student due to the hard work required.
Knowing all this, I want to try a new approach focusing on the dancers' abilities to understand the four building blocks of dancing:
In this space, beyond regular posts about music and dancing, I aim to organise and advertise regular classes for all levels, along with social dancing opportunities for us to enjoy.
Please send me a message, like our Facebook page, and join our community! Let's have fun!
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